
Stephanie Eild Featured in October 2022 Issue of ASN Lifestyle Magazine
(Los Angeles, CA) Internationally published model, erotic cosplayer, and hot nerd who fulfills all your fantasies, Stephanie Eild can now add a new publication to her growing list of international magazines. Her 12-page spread is required reading and viewing for her legion of fans.
The October issue of ASN Lifestyle Magazine is out now, and Stephanie Eild is featured in the first 50+ pages of the publication. “Stephanie Eild Is the Hot Nerd You Need to Know & Not Only Because She’s Too Sexy for YouTube” starts on Page 44 and is accompanied by many photos of her in various cosplay outfits and looks. Her exclusive and riveting interview answers a lot of questions that her diehard fans and ASN Lifestyle Magazine readers have, including how to pronounce her highly unusual name, creating her own characters like the Bikini Baker, stellar work ethic, being snubbed by YouTube for the 100k subscribers’ plaque, new goal on Pornhub, loyal fanbase, how to connect with her, and much more.
“I love the piece, and the layout is incredible! It really shows off a nice array of my cosplay outfits and looks. I’ve never been in a lifestyle magazine before, and I’m curious to see if their readers want to know more about me and start following me on social media and/or my paid platforms,” says Stephanie Eild.
ASN Lifestyle Magazine is available in a digital format and always free to read and download. Check “Stephanie Eild Is the Hot Nerd You Need to Know & Not Only Because She’s Too Sexy for YouTube” on Or read the entire issue from cover to cover at
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