Young Casting Girls
What happens before photo shoot begins? The Casting. Glamour models posing for a sexy photography session: frontal, back, side and everything in between! Take a peek on set with Mark Novak’s revealing new book Young Casting Girls. Lights, Camera and lots of Hot Girl Action!

Young Casting Girls


$39.99 / 24.99 GBP / 29.99 Euros

What happens before photo shoot begins? The Casting. Glamour models posing for a sexy photography session: frontal, back, side and everything in between! Take a peek on set with Mark Novak’s revealing new book Young Casting Girls. Lights, Camera and lots of Hot Girl Action!

To get a more detailed look at what really goes on behind the closed doors of the casting process, we let you peek at a reprint of an original casting form filled out by a model pitching for the job...

The selection process: In order to participate in a nude photography shoot, models are usually selected through a casting process

Sign the release: At the casting, models sign consent to the release of their imagesBehind the closed doors: We're showing you the pictures from an original casting, starring 50 different young, fresh-looking fitties!

We’re all about The Sexy, The Weird and The Extraordinary. We believe in in fun and art – and of course in good photography. Our mission is to explore and re-create definitions. What is art? What is trash? What is interesting? We often get asked, if GOLIATH was an „erotic publisher“. It’s yes and no. Yes, we like trash, who doesn’t? No, we publish art. Who says art isn’t allowed to be trash?

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