10 Next Level Sex Toys for Couples
Sex toys aren’t just a wonderful way to get more out of your solo playtime. They’re also fantastic ways for couples to get closer to one another by exploring new sensations together. They’re a really simple (and fun) way to keep from falling into a sexual rut as well. Try adding one or more of the following toys to your repertoire and see what happens! Sex will never be boring or routine again.

Ask any happy couple that’s been together any length of time what their secret is and there are certain things they’re sure to swear by. Communication and forgiveness are absolute musts, of course. So is a willingness to put your partner first. And of course, no great relationship can be considered complete without hot sex and plenty of it! Great sex lives definitely don’t exist in a vacuum though. They require ongoing effort and creativity in order to maintain their sizzle, especially over the long term.

That said, sex toys aren’t just a wonderful way to get more out of your solo playtime. They’re also fantastic ways for couples to get closer to one another by exploring new sensations together. They’re a really simple (and fun) way to keep from falling into a sexual rut as well. Try adding one or more of the following toys to your repertoire and see what happens! Sex will never be boring or routine again.

Coleen Singer is a writer, photographer, film editor and all-around geeky gal at Sssh.com, where she often waxes eloquent about sex, porn, sex toys, censorship, the literary and pandering evils of Fifty Shades of Grey and other topics not likely to be found on the Pulitzer Prize shortlist. She is also the editor and curator of EroticScribes.com.

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