
Chloe Amour re-launches both official blogs simultaneously
SocialMedia Darling and Sex Kitten Chloe Amour is re-launching both of her wildlypopular blogs and today.
“I wasrather surprised with the response to both of my blogs initially.” says Chloe.“And to be honest, abit over whelmed. MyAdult career continued changing directions, both in terms of the types ofscenes I was doing {she shot her first anal and Dp scenes earlier this year} andthe direction I wanted to take my brand in. I began feature dancing andtraveling more, making more personal appearances and, as a result I wasn’t ableto devote the time to both blogs as I had hoped.”
In themidst of a much deserved vacation, she had a chance to reflect on the first twoyears in the industry and decided to make some changes as she began her thirdyear.. Those changes included the process of redesigning and expanding bothblogs.
“I got alot of feedback from my fans across social media.” explains Chloe. “What theyliked, what they didn’t, what they wanted more of, in some cases less of. I took their input, added some of my ownideas and, I think everyone will be very happy.”
What canfans expect from the re-launched blogs? “More photos for starters.” promises Chloe, “Not just the usual stuff,but more intimate, more personal, more unique. I’d also like to make both blogsas interactive as possible. Communicating on social media is great, but can berestrictive at times. Here there are no filters, no restrictions.”
Severalnew sections have been added to enhance that interaction {both personally andprofessionally}. “One new section is called “More Amour”. says Chloe. “Thissection will include even more unique material that will be password protected.The only way you’ll be able to see it is by following me on my Social Mediaplatforms to get the password.”
She’s alsoadded a special section of animated gifs. “Most of these are created by myfans.” says Chloe. “I’d like to share them with everyone, and can’t wait to seemore.”
Foreditorial purposes, she’s also added another section called: “Press Room” “This area will include a variety of preapprovedpromotional photos, links, biography, and more.” explains Chloe. “I’m gettingmore media requests, interviews, appearances and so forth. As a result I’d like to control my image andhow it’s presented as much as possible. The only way to do that is providepromotional materials I’ve created or approved. For journalists, this saves youthe hassle of looking for images or video links across the World Wide Web andallows you to slant your story whatever way you need to.”
The PressRoom will only be available to preapproved media outlets and updated asfrequently as possible. Interested media outlets please email: formore details.
To book Chloe forvideo work, personal appearances, Feature Dance engagements, etc, pleasecontact her at:
Please directall media inquiries
Keywords: Chloe Amour,,Porn Star, Celebrity, Model,Actress, Entrepreneur , Sex Kitten, Naughtybyvapor, AVN Nominee, Xbiz Nominee, Personal appearance, XRCO, profile, FeatureEntertainer, @chloeamourxxx,, snapchat,#moreamour, social media, world wide web,,
About Chloe Amour
Born and Raised in San Antonio, Texas, Chloe Amour was born Chloe Michele. Rebellingas a Tomboy and being dressed like a princess {by her mother}, it’s no wonderthe Tex-Mex girl of Spanish, Mexican and Cherokee descent has been turningheads since she began her modeling career in Austin and San Antonio, Texas{doing runway work and promotional shoots for a few local beer and liquorbrands}. The self-described “undercover freak,” While living in Austin, shebegan modeling nude and submitted photos to Playboy online. A month later shewas flown out to Los Angeles and began a long and successful collaboration withPlayboy. Armed with 34B-25-35 curves, to die for, the Brown Hair Brown eyesBeauty entered the Adult Entertainment Industry in 2013 and quickly establishedher as one of the most sought after actress’s currently working. She hasreceived numerous nominations from AVN, XBIZ and XRCO, Been featuredinternationally in numerous magazines like Hustler, profiled {and heavily syndicated}on the World Wide Web. In January 2015,the Model, Actress and Entrepreneur. began expanding her already impressiveresume, being a spokes model for the JZL Clothing Line andNaughtbyVapor, in pre-production on several mainstream independent andhorror films, as well as Chloe TV,.{Her very own web series}. And {due tooverwhelming demand}, may begin Feature dancing in the fall {schedulepermitting}. Follow Chloe on Twitter@Chloeamourxxx or be sure to check out bothof her official blogs: for up to the minute updates. To book Chloe for video work,please contact For all FeatureDance engagements, etc, please contact:
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