
NEWYORK-- The award-nominated podcast, "Inked After Dark with DickDangle", ramps up the entertainment factor with Episode 15,which is available on Thursday, August 31st. The show discusses DickDangle and Champagne Dan going to the West Virginia Tattoo Expo, someof the latest industry news involving tattooed performers and a lookat fun porn movie titles.
Asif that wasn't enough, an interview with adult performer Sara Starcaps an entertaining show. "Sara is so much fun to talk to.",Dick boasts. "Her personality is on full display, her talentscan not be overstated and I'm sure listeners will have a great timegetting to know her a little better."
InkedAngels has become a haven for tattooed performers and acenterpiece for fans of Inked and Alt adult stars, be it on film oron cam. The website and podcast continue to highlight these amazingpeople.
Formore information on Dangle, visit his officialwebsite or follow him on Twitterand Instagram.
Formore information on Inked Angels, follow them on Twitter,Instagram,Snapchator YouTube.
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