If you ask most people what they think of Drag Queens, you're likely to get a typical stereotype uneducated response. DirectorDelilah Soup and Star Valentine Anger hope to change that perception with their genre changing show “So You Wanna Be A Drag Queen’ currently available on
"My favorite thing about 'So You Wanna Be A Drag Queen' is how inclusive it is.” explains Director Delilah Soup. “Valentine will put anyone in Drag - women, men, men with beards, anyone. “We have the camera people for over an hour in the makeup chair and they get so relaxed.” These really personal conversations happen where people open up about gender and sexuality. The transformations are so funky and out there - it's amazing."
“My style of Drag is a mixed bag.” says star ValentineAnger. “I enjoy the traditional female impersonation along with the Avant-garde Club kid style of drag. I like to think of myself as a silly down to earth queen.”
JohnnyCubert White, Jordan Kramer, and Nolan Silverstein are just some of the recent guests who lives have been changed significantly as a result of their participation in previous shows.
Full episodes are available on-demand at
ProductionInquiries, please contact:
Follow them on Social Media: @youwannabeadragqueen
Who is Valentine Anger?
Valentine Anger, born Joshua, has never grew up in a small town in southern rural Georgia. Upon arriving, he fell into what he calls “the has never looked back. He describes his style of Drag as mixed bag, enjoying the traditionalfemale impersonation while embracing the Avant garde Club kid style. Besidesbeing a full time drag queen, He is now a Los Angeles basedDrag Artist and Makeup Artist, practicing his craft while incorporating hisfire performance art, Valentine created her own niche in the LA queer artscene. Valentine is also the Co-creator and Mother of the Haus of ATM (Art, Talent, Music) an event held at Resident in the Downtown Arts District twoSundays a month. and hasappeared on a few episodes of "Transformations w/James st.James". Heis currently hosting 'SoYou Wanna Be A Drag Queen' on .Directed by Delilah Soup. and produced by NolanSilverstein, the show has created quite a buzz for its unique approach to gender and sexuality. Follow her onTwitter @youwannabeadragqueen,her website is:

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